Holistic Journal
Holistic living is an approach to life that considers the whole person — mind, body, skin and soul. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of various aspects of life and seeks to achieve balance and integration in all areas. Below you will find a carefully curated range of articles discussing all things holistic living.

A Beginner’s Guide to Shadow Work
How to Access Your Human Shadow: A Beginner’s Guide to Shadow Work The "shadow" in shadow work represents those parts of ourselves that we often repress, deny, or ignore because...

How To Ease Anxiety and Depression with EFT Tapping
Emotional Freedom Technique, also known as EFT Tapping or Tapping, is a form of therapy that involves stimulating the different acupressure points to reduce physical and psychological distress. This technique...

5 Daily Habits to Become More Spiritually Aligned
Spiritual alignment is achieved when your thoughts, feelings, and actions are all geared toward achieving the same goal or higher purpose. It’s about understanding and appreciating the deeper reason for...

10 Self-Care Tips for Empaths
Empaths are highly-sensitive people who feel the emotions of others deeply and are impacted by the mood of people around them. They have the unique ability to feel the...

How mental-health affects our day to day life.
Mental health impacts almost every area of our lives including but not limited to how we sleep, our relationships, health, and concentration. If mental illness is left untreated, it can lead...

10 Journal prompts to manifest your dream life
Everything that occupies our mind manifests itself in the universe. This is an observable principle known as the law of attraction and one of the most powerful ways to use...

How to access your intuition more.
Between the things we know and that which we are aware of there is a fine line and the knowledge that falls on the former side of that line, but...